Community engagement

Help shape the future of Sydney's parks.

Engaging with you

We want to enhance the way we plan and manage our parks so we can meet the needs and aspirations of local communities and the people of Greater Sydney. We want to consult and engage with you so that, together, we can build and shape the future of Sydney’s significant parklands. 

Love your park? Join our community trustee boards

Help shape the future of your park. Nominate for a Greater Sydney Parklands community trustee board.

Learn more

Callan Park.

Our consultation and engagement framework

We have developed a consultation and engagement framework to guide how we consult and work with the community, park users and visitors. The framework details how we plan to listen to the community and use your opinions, ideas and local knowledge to inform our decision-making. It also identifies innovative ways we can reach a wide range of park users, ensuring everyone can participate in a fair and inclusive way.

Learn more about the framework

Community engagement
Community trustee board

Members of the Callan Park community trustee board.

Community trustee boards

Each major parkland in our estate – Callan Park, Centennial Parklands, Parramatta Park, Western Sydney Parklands and Fernhill Estate – has a community trustee board. These boards provide us with advice and recommendations from a community perspective to help us make the best decisions about the parklands, and include community members with heritage, First Nations and local government expertise.

Learn more about community trustee boards