Property services

Our property portfolio across the Greater Sydney Parklands estate enhances the visitor experience and contributes to local communities.

Cafe in park. Credit: Nikki To

Greater Sydney Parklands is a self-funded NSW Government agency at the forefront of parks management.  

We are committed to enhancing the parklands estate for the benefit of Sydney and NSW. This includes leveraging strategic and commercial opportunities to create a vibrant and sustainable parklands estate.  

From hospitality venues and tourism attractions to urban farming, Greater Sydney Parklands extends a warm invitation to partners to explore these opportunities for innovation and collaboration.


We have a transparent, open-market process for leasing opportunities and a varied property portfolio across our parks – Western Sydney Parklands, Parramatta Park, Callan Park and Centennial Parklands.  

Keep an eye on our website and the NSW Government's eTendering platform for advertised opportunities. 

For enquiries, contact our Property Services team at [email protected]

Landowner's consent

Landowner’s consent

Greater Sydney Parklands uses a Landowners Consent (LOC) Application Form (PDF, 298 KB) for tenants requesting landowner’s consent for proposed works, planning approvals, liquor licences, construction certificates and development proposals on our assets. 

This streamlined approach ensures a smooth experience for tenants seeking approval for their projects within our parklands, which include Western Sydney Parklands, Parramatta Park, Callan Park and Centennial Parklands.

Centennial parklands
Greater Sydney Parklands logo
Centennial Parklands
Explore business opportunities at Centennial Parklands.
Western sydney parklands
Greater Sydney Parklands logo
Western Sydney Parklands
Explore business opportunities at Western Sydney Parklands.
Parramatta park
Greater Sydney Parklands logo
Parramatta Park
Explore business opportunities at Parramatta Park.